Businesses making it in China honoured at awards night
Dairy farms owner and milk products manufacturer, Synlait Milk Ltd based in Dunsandel, South Canterbury, has won the supreme award at the HSBC NZCTA China Business Awards 2013 announced at a special event in Auckland on 30 May. Synlait is an innovative dairy company combining farming in New Zealand that provides on-farm...

New guide for visitors to China launched
Confucius Institute at The University of AucklandAs part of our mission to increase understanding between China and New Zealand, members of the Confucius Institute in Auckland have put together a new guide to business etiquette and culture in China.China 101, our handbag-sized guide for New Zealanders visiting China, was...

Join the banquet to celebrate success with China!
New Zealand makers of yoghurt and customized shop fit-outs,and a film studio, are doing such good business in China they have been chosen as finalists in the HSBC NZCTA China Business Awards 2013 - announced at a special event in Auckland tonight. Entries in the awards were from large corporates as well as small to medium...
Further regulatory breakthroughs for the Renminbi
Subtle changes deep within the wiring of China’s foreign exchange regulations are quietly opening up and in the process having a profound impact on the profitability of doing business in the world’s second largest economy. “The impact is it will be easier for New Zealand companies to move money in and out...

Spectacular ceremony as two cultures meet
Auckland’s iconic Ōrākei Marae will host a pōwhiri and festival to celebrate the many bonds shared by Māori and Chinese peoples on April 27th. “Chinese and Maori peoples are coming together to celebrate a shared history and a shared future. We encourage all Chinese people to come along, especially to...

Shifts in world trade open up business opportunities
HSBC The latest HSBC Commercial Banking Trade Forecast details a shift towards the production of higher-value goods around Asia, presenting opportunities for forward thinking companies looking to expand. Rapid industrialisation and increasing wages, coupled with maturing consumer demand in Asia are driving...

Sidelights on New Zealand’s Trade With China
By Chris Elder One of the pleasures of researching a book that surveys the totality of New Zealand’s links with China has been tracing the beginnings, false starts, and surprising initiatives along the way to today’s highly successful trading relationship. Not all have found a place in a necessarily selective...

Special offer: New Zealand’s China Experience Book
New Zealand’s China Experience, edited by Chris Elder, collects fiction, poetry, personal accounts, historical narrative, anecdotes, transcribed oral narratives, newspaper articles and more, all bearing in one way or another on New Zealand perceptions of China and contacts with China and the Chinese. Highlights...

By Kefeng Chu, Chief China Adviser, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise I was excited when it was announced on 15 November that Mr Xi Jinping was elected the new head of the Chinese Communist Party. Around 25 years ago, he was the Party Secretary in my hometown of Ningde City for three years, and was also the Party Secretary...
By Shelley Huang, Business Development Manager at Destination Rotorua Marketing Rotorua District Council (RDC) signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Oct 2012 with China Southern Airlines in Guangzhou, which tries to position New Zealand and more specifically Rotorua as a competitive and unique tourism...

By Tim White, Partner at KPMG & NZCTA Chairman For Chinese Executives, dining is a vitally important part of doing business. Dining with Chinese executives or Government officials plays a crucial role in negotiations, securing business, partnerships or securing and enhancing future relationships with China. The...

China Outlook Improving
By Tony Alexander, BNZ Chief Economist One of the bigger fears around the world recently has been that at the same time as the American economy faces a potentially severe tightening of fiscal policy and Europe muddles through a multi-year debt adjustment process, China’s economy would potentially experience a hard...