By Michelle MacWilliam
Spring had sprung in Christchurch and what better time than to have a workshop on - What is Manuka honey? This was presented by Peter Bray of Airborne Honey Ltd, based in Leeston.
Manuka honey has come under the spotlight recently with questions of our New Zealand based industry with regards to exactly what is Manuka honey?
Peter gave the attendees at the function an in-depth overview of the issues facing the honey industry. He clarified the international standard, explained clearly what the codex honey standard was and shared the conditions that Manuka honey must meet to be deemed officially Manuka honey.
Peter also shared Airborne’s journey to China which was an interesting insight on how a company maximises an opportunity, and the decisions made in regards to supply chain distribution. The level of interest in the Manuka honey topic and Airborne’s journey to market was demonstrated by the Q&A session being longer the presentation.
One first time attendee commented that he thought it was an “arrive, sit down, listen to the speaker and leave event”. Instead, he was pleased to meet and chat to other attendees with drinks and nibbles prior to the function, then to be able to listen and ask questions during the robust Q&A. “A totally worthwhile evening and thoroughly enjoyable.”
We would like to thank both Peter Bray and John Smart of Airborne Honey for their time in helping make this yet another successful NZCTA Southern event.
Our last guest speaker for the year will be Mr Matthew Findlay of Christchurch International Airport Ltd (CIAL) - General Manager Aeronautical Business Development. In his presentation he will share the vision of CIAL going forward and why CIAL is courting a leading Chinese carrier to come to Christchurch. He will also unveil and provide an outline of an event being held in February.
It is highly recommended that any Christchurch or South Island business or entity with an interest in trading with China attend this final function so you and your organisation are aware of what is being proposed going forward for our region.
Please register online: http://www.events.nzcta.co.nz/products/16/china-and-the-cial
Nov 3, 2013