tax on New Zealand China Trade Association - Browse our selection of content tagged 'tax'.
China's changing business landscape
As we revel in our medal count from the Beijing Olympics, that brief moment of glory for our athletes represents years of focused training and hard work. Even with the best training programme, arriving in China provides a new set of challenges. Environmental differences and the psychological barriers of competing against the world’s best...
The drive for growth can lead businesses into dangerous waters
by Joanna Doolan & Florence Wong Regardless of melamine milk crisis, product recalls, corruption scandals and trade disputes, New Zealand businesses will be attracted by the lure of what China has to offer. At a recent NZCTA seminar we likened investing in China to swimming at Piha beach. Piha offers awesome surf,...
NZCTA Commentary - September
"Contamination happens all over the World," BioVittoria Co-Founder and Managing Director, Stephen Le Febvre told NZCTA members at a highly successful seminar this month, "Even in the US, where I come from!" But it becomes a much bigger issue because globally China is seen as a threat, he went on to say. Having gone through...
China is on a mission to reinvigorate its economy
For those operating in China, the challenge is to ensure you are maximising the benefits available. The four trillion yuan stimulus package introduced in November sounded impressive. While some of this may be attributed to exchange rates and the size of the economy, it still converts to US $586 billion. The focus of this first package...

NZCTA Commentary: Making it in China by being smarter
“The last 200 years were an aberration...the Chinese were selling silk to Cleopatra!” So commenced a highly detailed, not to say, trenchant assessment of China as a world player and as an export market by former Prime Minister Rt Hon Dame Jenny Shipley. She set the pace and indeed a benchmark at the recent NZCTA – Ernst...

Tax toolkit: New Zealand-China tax update
The tax status of New Zealand companies investing offshore is about to be turned upside down following the recent changes to the CFC rules. The CFC rules are not those nasty things that impact on our environment but are the controlled foreign company rules. Under the previous rules New Zealand tax residents were taxed in New Zealand on their...
EYe on China: Factoring taxes into the equation
Experts from Ernst & Young's Tax team discuss the Tax landscape in China and its inherent challenges and opportunities for New Zealand businesses. As the ink dries on the FTA, the respective Governments have done their part and it is time for business to take up the challenge of ensuring the China New Zealand Free Trade Agreement...
Tax Toolkit: Tax reforms to NZ controlled foreign company rules
“The aim in developing this comprehensive reform has been to devise flexible rules that are consistent with the realities of the business environment and that help New Zealand businesses to expand their operations but keep their head offices in New Zealand” Finance and Revenue Ministers Dr Cullen and Peter Dunne. As the...