NZ Organic company exhibitors had a fantastic promotional event in Shanghai. 30 persons from 15 organisations made the journey from New Zealand to participate in the largest New Zealand organic product pavilion ever. We were supported with funding from MPI to ensure that as "Country of the Year" New Zealand was able to put its best foot forward. A highlight of showcasing New Zealand Culture was a strong and moving performances by te Wehi Haka performers from Ranui, Auckland.
The current Pathway to Market from New Zealand to China is by having your product certified by a certifying company that is recognised by CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration of China). Our understanding is that all New Zealand products are currently certified by either CCIC (based in Auckland) or WIT based in Hangzhou.
In November 2016 New Zealand became the first country to sign a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for organic product certification with China. The MRA covers the export and import of organic foods and ingredients, with the exception of apiculture (beekeeping), aquaculture (fish, seafood and aquatic plants), cosmetics and textiles. This is hoped to be implemented during 2018. Within 12 months of the implementation date companies that have been maintaining separate certification to the Chinese organic standards by a Chinese certification body will be able to transfer their certification to the MPI OOAP. Companies will no longer be required to maintain a separate China organic management plan or be subject to an additional China organic audit. The retail labeling for China must include a unique 17-digit label to allow consumers to go online and validate the authenticity of the product. These can be provided in a sticker form by your certifier or jet ink coded on the product with codes provided by your certifier.
By Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand
Aug 29, 2018